I have a problem with the whole concept...
Here we are supposedly going green, the Brisbane City Council is busy promoting earth hour with competitions to win scooters if you show your support...but where is their support?
Here was the opportunity to lead the way, even if it only acted as a billboard for green initiatives and didn't maximize possible opportunities at least this concrete monstrosity could have been covered in an environmentally friendly, ecologically velvet coat of vegetation...- possibly even flowering every now and then...real flowers...not the supposed graphic representations of Jacaranda and Poinciana...
Or why not clad in a lightweight scaffold structure providing planting for an inner city farm...???With just a little creativity and forward thinking the possibilities would amaze you...but instead aren't you proud....we have these structures to admire and applaud for years and years to come...
Have a look below at what the rest of the world is up to....come on Brisbane...Keep up!!!
Or why not clad in a lightweight scaffold structure providing planting for an inner city farm...???With just a little creativity and forward thinking the possibilities would amaze you...but instead aren't you proud....we have these structures to admire and applaud for years and years to come...
Have a look below at what the rest of the world is up to....come on Brisbane...Keep up!!!