"Clothes make the Man. Naked people have little or no influence over people". - Mark Twain
And if alive today I am sure he would agree...
Furniture makes the Home. An empty house is of little or no use to anyone.
So bearing that in mind....
I thought I would provide you with a few images of some beautiful "HOME" making furniture,
I have found in my internet travels.
Some of these images come from great second hand dealers ( links below), some are from new designers, some from eBAY, some I own, and some I wish I did....
Remember - Architects are trained to design space, INSIDE and OUT, from urbanscapes to interiors.
By employing an Architect you are not only getting a well trained aesthetic eye, but a bredth of knowledge relating to many aspects of the built environment...which inturn provides a better more thorough reponse and in the end, a better quality design and product for you.
Enjoy the eye candy...